
Key components for enterprise VoIP Systems
Key components for enterprise VoIP Systems

Key Components of Enterprise VoIP Systems

When on the hunt for your Enterprise VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) system, you will most likely get overwhelmed and lost by the plethora of vendors who claim to offer an enterprise VoIP system. It can lead you down a rabbit whole which will in turn make you lose sight of what your objectives were when you began this journey. To help you out we’ve made a list of the key components that every enterprise VoIP System should include. 

Let’s first define what an Enterprise VoIP System is. They are communication solutions designed for businesses to handle voice calls over the internet and offer various features and benefits, including cost savings, scalability, flexibility, and integration with other communication tools and applications. 

Key components and features of enterprise VoIP systems include: 

  • IP Phones: These are specialized telephones designed to work with VoIP systems. They connect to the internet rather than traditional phone lines. 
  • VoIP Gateways: These devices convert voice signals from traditional telephones into digital data packets that can be transmitted over the internet, and vice versa. 
  • PBX (Private Branch Exchange) Systems: PBX systems manage incoming and outgoing calls within an organization. In VoIP systems, PBX functionality is often implemented using software (IP PBX) rather than dedicated hardware. 
  • Unified Communications (UC) Features: Many enterprise VoIP systems offer integrated communication features such as voicemail, conference calling, instant messaging, video conferencing, social media integrations and presence information. 
  • Scalability: VoIP systems can easily scale up or down to accommodate changes in the size of the organization or call volume. 
  • Cost Savings: VoIP systems can reduce communication costs, especially for organizations with significant long-distance or international calling needs, as calls are typically cheaper over the internet than through traditional phone lines. 
  • Mobility: VoIP systems enable employees to make and receive calls from anywhere with an internet connection, using softphones or mobile apps on smartphones and tablets. 
  • Integration: VoIP systems can integrate with other business applications, such as customer relationship management (CRM) software, email clients, and productivity tools, enhancing efficiency and productivity. 
  • Quality of Service (QoS): Ensuring reliable voice quality is critical for VoIP systems. Quality of Service mechanisms prioritize voice traffic over data traffic to minimize latency, jitter, and packet loss. 
  • Security: VoIP systems require robust security measures to protect against threats such as eavesdropping, toll fraud, and denial-of-service attacks. Encryption, authentication, access control, and monitoring are essential components of VoIP security. 

An enterprise VoIP system such as 3CX, offers all the above (and more). The main difference from other systems is the flexibility it offers; you can choose your preferred IP Phone brand, SIP Trunk, deployment method, gateways and more. And that’s not all! 3CX is much more cost efficient than other solutions because it does not charge per user/per month prices. 

And what’s more with Mr. VoIP you can customize your 3CX solution even further. Reach out and we’d be happy to demo both 3CX and Mr. VoIP. 

We develop customizations for your business needs


What are the benefits of VoIP?
What are the benefits of VoIP?

VoIP: Benefits & Why Make the Switch

It’s 2024 and if you’ve not yet made the switch over to VoIP then you’re missing out big time! Why? Well just read on to find out how your business could benefit by switching to a VoIP-based solution.

To start off, let’s first explain what VoIP is; Voice over Internet Protocol, also called IP telephony, is a method for delivering voice communication sessions over Internet Protocol networks, such as the Internet. And it’s not only restricted to voice but can include chat and video too!

Now, what do you have to gain by switching to VoIP:

  1. Cost Savings: VoIP often proves more cost-effective than traditional phone services, especially for long-distance or international calls. Many VoIP providers offer competitive pricing and various plans to suit different needs.
  2. Scalability: VoIP systems are highly scalable, making it easy to add or remove users as your business grows or changes. Scaling with VoIP is often more straightforward than with traditional phone systems.
  3. Flexibility and Mobility: VoIP allows users to make and receive calls, chats and video calls from any location with an internet connection, promoting remote work and flexibility. Most VoIP services offer mobile apps, enabling users to stay connected using their smartphones.
  4. Rich Features: VoIP systems come with a wide range of features such as call waiting, voicemail, call forwarding, auto-attendants, live chat, CRM integrations, Facebook & WhatsApp integration and more. Video conferencing and collaboration tools are often integrated into VoIP platforms.
  5. Quality of Service (QoS): With a stable and high-speed internet connection, VoIP can provide clear and reliable voice quality comparable to or even better than traditional phone services.
  6. Integration with Other Applications: VoIP can integrate with other business applications and software such as CRMs, ERPs and PMS systems enhancing productivity and streamlining workflows.
  7. Easy Installation and Management: Setting up a VoIP system is generally easier and faster than installing a traditional phone system. VoIP systems often have user-friendly interfaces for configuration and management.
  8. Global Presence: VoIP enables businesses to establish a virtual presence in different geographic locations without the need for physical phone lines in each location. This can be beneficial for companies with a global or distributed workforce.
  9. Reliability and Redundancy: Many VoIP providers offer redundancy and failover options to ensure continuous service in case of internet outages or other disruptions. Cloud-based VoIP solutions often have built-in redundancy features.
  10. Environmentally Friendly: VoIP generally has a smaller carbon footprint compared to traditional phone systems as it relies on internet infrastructure rather than dedicated physical lines.

Ready to make the switch? We’re here to help!

Switching from a traditional telephony solution to a VoIP-based one is an easy and smooth process. You can even keep your current number!

Get in touch with our team and we’ll guide you through it!

We develop customizations for your business needs


Should your business switch to VoIP?
Should your business switch to VoIP?

Is VoIP the Right Choice for Your Business?

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) can be a suitable choice for many businesses, but whether it’s the right choice for your specific business depends on various factors. Here are some key considerations to help you determine if VoIP is the right choice for your business:

1. Cost: VoIP often offers cost savings compared to traditional phone systems. It eliminates the need for separate phone lines and reduces long-distance charges. However, it’s essential to evaluate the initial setup costs, ongoing fees, and any additional hardware or software requirements associated with implementing VoIP.

2. Scalability: VoIP systems are highly scalable, allowing you to easily add or remove lines/extensions as your business grows or changes. If your business experiences fluctuations in call volume or has plans for expansion, VoIP can accommodate your needs more flexibly than traditional phone systems.

3. Features and Functionality: VoIP offers a wide range of advanced features such as call forwarding, voicemail-to-email transcription, auto attendants, conference calling, and more. Consider the specific features your business requires and assess if VoIP can provide them effectively.

4. Mobility and Remote Work: VoIP enables mobility and remote work capabilities, as it can be accessed from any location with an internet connection. If your business has a distributed workforce or relies on remote employees, VoIP can offer seamless communication across various devices.

5. Reliability and Call Quality: While VoIP has significantly improved in terms of call quality and reliability over the years, it still depends on the stability and quality of your internet connection. Ensure that you have a reliable internet service with sufficient bandwidth to support VoIP calls without disruptions.

6. Integration with Existing Systems: Consider how well VoIP integrates with your existing business systems, such as customer relationship management (CRM) software or call center solutions. Integration can streamline workflows, enhance productivity, and provide a more seamless experience for your employees and customers.

7. Technical Expertise and Support: Assess your organization’s technical capabilities and resources. VoIP systems typically require some technical knowledge for setup, configuration, and maintenance. If you lack in-house expertise, you may need to consider managed VoIP services or ensure reliable technical support from your provider.

8. Security and Reliability: VoIP systems can be vulnerable to security threats such as hacking, eavesdropping, or denial-of-service attacks. It’s crucial to implement proper security measures, such as encryption and firewalls, to protect your communications and ensure the reliability of your VoIP service.

Overall, VoIP can offer significant benefits for businesses, such as cost savings, scalability, advanced features, and mobility. However, it’s important to carefully assess your specific business needs, technical requirements, and budgetary constraints to determine if VoIP is the right choice for your organization. Consulting with VoIP service providers and considering customer reviews and testimonials can also help you make an informed decision.

One Size Fits All

As we all know one size does not fit all. Especially when it comes to your business needs and requirements. So, even though VoIP ticks all the generic boxes can it be customised to fulfill your business’ individual and specific needs?

Yes, it can. With Mr VoIP tools your VoIP solution can be fully customised to meet your requirements. Custom call reports, wallboard, CRM integration, softphone, call center and more, are all possible with Mr. VoIP.

Get started with your customised VoIP solution


Chat and message from any platform with mConnect - See how in the video
Chat and message from any platform with mConnect - See how in the video

How to Chat and Message from your mConnect dashboard – Video

With mConnect you can truly interact with your customers no matter which platform they’re using. We offer social media and messaging app integrations for the most popular platforms around the world as well as a business SMS feature.

mConnect integrates with:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Telegram
  • WeChat
  • LINE
  • Business SMS

Find out how you can use this feature in our latest video:

We develop customizations for your business needs


How to use the email ticketing feature in mConnect
How to use the email ticketing feature in mConnect

Offer Exceptional Customer Service with our Email Ticketing Feature

mConnect offers an email ticketing system as a part of its call center omnichannel solution. From within the dashboard, you can easily respond to tickets, assign tickets to other agents, merge tickets and close tickets.

In addition, you get to see each agent’s performance. How many tickets they’ve been assigned, how many were resolved/closed and so on. 

In our latest video we explain how all the above work and more. Take a look!

We develop customizations for your business needs


Call pop-ups, wrap-up codes, surveys and more in latest video
Call pop-ups, wrap-up codes, surveys and more in latest video

Your All-in-One Video tutorial for call pop-ups, wrap up codes and reports 

Having the right tools is vital to exceptional customer service. However, even if you’ve got the best call center software available it still needs to be configured to suit your team’s and agents’ personal needs. For example, call wrap-up codes are unique to each business and the type of reports your call center needs could be different from any other.

In our latest video we explain:

  • How the call pop-ups work with a new or existing contact,
  • How to upload a contact list
  • How you can send your callers to take a survey
  • How you can manage and configure your wrap-up and aux codes
  • How you can generate wrap-up and aux codes in a few easy steps

We develop customizations for your business needs


Centralized PBX Extension & Contact Management with Mr. VoIP Tools
Centralized PBX Extension & Contact Management with Mr. VoIP Tools

Centralized PBX Extension & Contact Management with Mr. VoIP Tools 

Use our HTTP API and manage all your 3CX PBX Extensions from one central dashboard. Save on admin time and effort and eliminate manual tasks by managing all your contacts and extensions from one place.

Your CRM, telephone directory as well as PBX extensions and contacts are all automatically synced and updated. Make an update to one and the rest will follow. No need to manually log into different systems and make changes and updates to each one separately.

The API utilizes resource-based URLs, status codes, methods (POST, DELETE, etc.), and JSON for requests and responses. Hence, making it easy to use HTTP clients in your backend for a powerful API interaction.

Add, edit and delete accounts of your PBX extensions. Create, edit and manage PBX extensions from the main console and send manual links, configuration files, and voice mail PINs. Use the softphone to modify auto-generated credentials and keep your customer records up-to-date.

Customize Each Account

Each user has their own unique needs. This tool allows you to customize each user account accordingly. Create unique meeting room names, personalized inbound call numbers, and 3CX meeting links. It’s easy and saves you loads of admin time.

  • Uses predictable, resource-oriented URLs.
  • Uses built-in HTTP capabilities for passing parameters and authentication.
  • Responds with standard HTTP response codes to indicate errors.
  • POST JSON Object/Array.
  • Highest level of security.

Read the manual.


We develop any customized solution to fit your business needs

3CX API Integration for Call Recordings
3CX API Integration for Call Recordings

3CX API Integration with Mr. VoIP’s Call Recording API 

For a CRM Integration to be truly seamless and allow your agents’ productivity to reach an all-time high, they need to have the ability to access everything they need from one interface. Most agents prefer to do most of their work in their CRM system. Apart from customized CRM integrations for 3CX, Mr. VoIP also offer a 3CX API Integration specifically designed for call recording.

What does the 3CX API Integration do?

And what exactly does this call recording API for 3CX work offer? It enables your agents to access your 3CX call recordings straight from their CRM system. All or certain – according to your settings- call recordings are saved in your CRM from the 3CX server. This allows your agents to listen to past conversations, hence, increasing customer satisfaction levels as they are always aware of past interactions, in detail. Our 3CX API for call recordings allows you to keep timely and easy-to-refer to call details

Choose to record one-on-one calls or even conference calls with enforced security using HTTPI protocol.

Mr VoIP’s API does much more than standard call recordings. Via one easy-to-use portal this 3CX API enables you to manage, search, download, play, compress, archive, delete, and export your call recordings. Making recordings faster and offering superior call quality, manageable disk space and an MP3 file download option, our call recording 3CX API is packed with benefits.

  • Save call recordings directly in your CRM
  • Enforced security with HTTPI
  • Manage recordings from single portal
  • Manageable disk space
  • MP3 file download

Want to see it in action?

Contact us for a demo


Customiz your 3CX Wallboard with Mr. VoIP
Customiz your 3CX Wallboard with Mr. VoIP

Customize your 3CX Wallboard with Mr. VoIP – Video

No two call centers are the same. Even if these call centers are in the same organization – they’ll still not be the same. Therefore, how can it be expected that they need to view the same data and information on their wallboards. It simply will not work.

This is where Mr. VoIP comes in as a 3CX add-on and can help you fully customize your 3CX Wallboard. From viewing agent, call, and queue status to wrap-up codes and more granular details for each department Mr. VoIP can help you set up a wallboard that truly works for you.

Watch the video to see some of the many advanced wallboard options we offer.

Also, take a look at our Do’s & Don’ts guide for Call Center Wallboards to make sure your wallboard is working in your favour and not against you.


We develop any customized solution to fit your business needs

The do's and dont's of call center wallboards - everything you should know
The do's and dont's of call center wallboards - everything you should know

The dos and don’ts of Call Center Wallboards.

Before digging into call center wallboard etiquette let’s first establish what a wallboard is, why they’re needed in your call center and what benefits they offer to your teams.

What is a Wallboard?

A wallboard is a monitor that’s positioned in your call center in a place where it’s visible to all agents.It provides call center managers and teams with the latest information in regards to the operations of the call center. For example, you can display how many calls are waiting in the queue, how many calls were abandoned, how many agents are available, if the SLA has been breached and so on.

Why use a Wallboard?

Apart from the obvious which is for managers and supervisors to stay on top of things and always be in the loop about what’s going on in the call center, a wallboard will:

  1. Make data-driven, moment-to-moment decisions – by having key metrics displayed i.e. the number of calls waiting, the number of agents on a call etc. managers can make changes and adjustments on the spot according to the current situation and workload.
  2. Monitor SLAs – SLAs (Service Level Agreement) is a call center’s commitment to offer a certain level of service to its customers. It’s usually measured in ways such as the percentage of calls answered within X number of seconds. By having the SLA displayed on your wallboard you ensure that it’s not breached and maximize customer satisfaction levels.
  3. Motivate Agents – conveying real-time KPIs and statistics to all team members allows them to know where they stand and exceed their goals. By displaying queue performance and data they can immediately spot any gaps and improve performance.
  4. Boost Productivity – allow agents to take control of their productivity by giving them access to key data that will help them do so. When everyone wants to keep the metrics positive and they work together, overall productivity will increase drastically.

The dos and don’ts of call center wallboards

Most new technologies or gadgets can be highly beneficial. For example, your smartwatch. It’s awesome – it tells you the time, notifies you of incoming calls or messages, informs you of the weather… However, it can be very distracting and counterproductive when you’re in the middle of an important meeting and it tells you to start doing 20 jumping jacks.

The same applies to call center wallboards. If not used correctly and strategically they can be distracting or even cause feuds amongst team members. Let’s take a look how you can use a wallboard in the most productive way:

  1. Don’t overshare – abandoned calls, SLAs, calls waiting, KPIs, missed calls, available agents…. all this information can be confusing and stressful making it hard for your team to comprehend all the information at once. As a result, they lose focus, become stressed and demotivated.
  2. Share attention-grabbing data – choose the indicators and information that make sense to your supervisors and agents. The key here is to find the perfect balance between important and relevant details and attention-grabbing numbers that agents actually have control over.
  3. Use it to incentivize – a wallboard should not be used as a tool to whip agents into shape. It should be used to incentivize them to work towards achieving goals. Integrate factual real-time statistics that your agents can use to contribute to the overall call center goals and operations.
  4. There’s no wrong or right – a call center wallboard should display the data that’s most relevant and important to your business. There’s no wrong or right information to display. It depends on your business and how you want to involve your teams.

Customized Wallboard – The Most Effective Solution

So, you’ve now realized that your call center really needs a wallboard. And you know exactly what you should and should not use your wallboard for. And you also know that a wallboard should help your agents work towards achieving your business goals and call center objectives. What now?

Now’s the time to choose a wallboard solution that will work for you. And there are many options out there. So many that you’ll probably end up getting confused and not know which to choose. Some tips:

  • Find a wallboard that works with your call center software
  • Find a wallboard that can be fully customized according to YOUR needs
  • Find a wallboard that’s easy to use and manage
  • Find a wallboard that offers colour coding for easier viewing

A 100% Customized Wallboard

Mr VoIP’s wallboard add-on is completely customizable and works seamlessly with 3CX’s call center software.

3CX is an easy to use and manage communications solution which offers freedom of choice on deployment options, SIP trunks, IP Phones, headsets etc. Features include: Facebook & CRM integration, smartphone apps, website live chat, web conferencing and so on.

Mr VoIP specializes in developing add-ons and plugins for 3CX and offers a customized wallboard solution for your 3CX call center.

Get in touch for a free demo and consultation.


We develop any customized solution to fit your business needs